Is Your Ex Making Excuses?

Full tutorial on getting your ex back

In this video, Brad explains why your ex has probably been making excuses about your breakup (and why you can’t be together).

He’ll show you how to determine if your ex is telling the truth, what their excuses REALLY mean, and what to do in order to overcome those excuses that your ex has been giving you.

So if you want your ex back… this is a must-watch.

how to get your ex back free video tutorial



Video Transcript:
Hey guys brad browning here welcome in This video i want to explain why your ex Has probably been making excuses about Your breakup and why the two of you Can’t be together now i’ll show you how To determine if your ex is telling the Truth what their excuses really mean and What to do in order to overcome those Excuses that your ex has been giving you And get them back Before we begin let me give you a few Examples of what i mean when i say Excuses So first there’s the classic i just need Some time alone to think or you know i Need space to figure out what i want Those kinds of excuses now your ex they Might say this kind of thing when Breaking up and try to use it as the Main justification for their decision to Break up and along the same lines your Ex might say things like i’m just not Ready for a relationship right now or You know i’m feeling overwhelmed and i Don’t think i’m in the right headspace To be dating anyone right now or they Could have used things like work school Or scheduling as the excuse so maybe They said you know i love you but i Don’t have time to focus on both my Schoolwork and a relationship right now Or it’s not fair to you if we stay Together because i’m always traveling For work and we don’t get to see each

Other enough things like that similarly You know maybe your ex used parents or Religion as their excuse you know i’m Sorry i want to be with you but it just Won’t work because of my family that’s a Common one or maybe it’s more like you Know we’re just from two different Worlds my parents would never let me Date anyone from a different religion or You know i often hear things like we’re Just too different to make this work in The long term or maybe we can be Together down the road but it’s just not Working right now now the common theme Among all these examples i’ve just Provided is that they’re all you know Justifications for why your ex felt the Need to break up or at least to the need To put your relationship on hold now They’re concrete practical excuses to Explain why they had to make the Difficult decision to break up even Though as your ex will usually make it Sound they still do have strong feelings For you First of all let’s address one big Question is your ex being honest when They use these kinds of excuses or Justifications for breaking up or are They lying and trying to use excuses to Try and avoid talking about the real Reasons The answer is usually both there’s Almost always an element of truth to

Whatever excuses your ex will give you For the breakup or for not wanting to Get back together so for example if your Ex is using the you know i’m just too Busy with my work and school schedule to See regularly excuse it’s probably true They are busy you know and that finding Time to to meet up and hang out with you Regularly would be a challenge due to Their schedule but let’s be real here Guys that’s also very obviously not the Only reason why they wanted to break up You know it may be a small part of the Reason it might actually be a major Reason but it’s also almost never the Only reason that they’ve decided to end Your relationship as much as it may be Partly true it’s also likely just a Convenient excuse to avoid telling you The full truth or to avoid hurting your Feelings So your ex is probably being somewhat Truthful but also almost certainly Hiding other reasons or justifications That they don’t want to share with you Or in a lot of cases your ex may not Even fully know what the other reasons Are they may simply have fallen out of Love lost that attraction or that spark That made your relationship special in The early days and they don’t know Exactly what caused their feelings to Fade but they also want to avoid hurting You so they come up with you know a

Logical sounding excuse like i’m just Too busy right now now i’ve been a Breakup coach for over 13 years now i’ve Worked with tens of thousands of clients In situations just like yours and i can Confidently say that whatever excuse Your ex gave you for the breakup whether It was about disapproving parents long Distance issues being too busy is almost Certainly not the full story you know They’re hiding the other reasons for Their decision to break up or to stay Broken up for for one reason or another By the way now is a perfect time for me To pitch my one-on-one coaching program So if you end up watching this entire Video but you still feel confused about What your ex is really thinking if you Want a second opinion on you know your Unique or unusual situation please go to coaching and sign up for A month of my ongoing coaching it’s not At all expensive and you’ll get me in Your corner for as long as you need my Help to ensure that you’d end up back With your ex as soon as possible So at this point we’ve determined that Your ex is hiding at least part of the Real reason for your breakup do we know That there may be being you know partly Honest with whatever excuses they’re Giving you but they’re also hiding the Full story for some reason so why Exactly you know would your ex not just

Be honest with you why the excuses great Question so glad you asked there’s There’s really several reasons why your Ex might hide things from you when They’re explaining why they don’t want To break up or why they don’t think you Should get back together Reason number one they don’t want to Hurt you so this is the most common Reason and it’s also the most you know Wholesome maybe your ex just fell out of Love with you maybe you shaved your head And got a huge tattoo on your skull and Now they think you’re ugly whatever it Is they simply fear that telling you the Truth will cause you unnecessary Heartache so by making up an excuse like I’m just not ready for a serious Relationship or we live too far apart to Make this work they’ve at least given You some kind of justification but Avoided telling you you know anything That would really hurt your feelings or Crush your self-esteem The second reason is they’re feeling Guilty about something now unfortunately This one is also pretty common your ex Might come up with an excuse because They want to hide something nasty like For instance they’ve found someone new They want to be with somebody else but They know that they shouldn’t tell you That not only because it’s going to Obviously be awful for you to hear that

Truth nobody likes being cheated on or Dumb for somebody else but also because It’ll make them look bad to everyone Around them so you know to avoid hurting Their image or your feelings they hide The truth and they come up with a Reasonable sounding excuse to justify The breakup Reason number three is that they don’t Actually know the real reason so like i Said earlier this is very very normal as Well many people just know that they Want out of a relationship they’re not Feeling the connection or the spark Anymore your ex may just feel stuck in a Rut or generally unsatisfied with the Relationship but they worry that that Simply saying that won’t satisfy you you Know they know that you’ll want to know Why they’ve decided to end things and They’ll pick an excuse that sounds Logical just to give you some kind of Explanation and closure The fourth reason is that they’re Infected with grass is greener syndrome You probably know the expression you Know the grass is always greener on the Other side so in other words some people Are just never satisfied always trying To change things up in their life to Chase after those those greener pastures You probably know people like this in Your life the kind of people who have a New best friend every six months who are

Often moving to new cities because they Think they’ll be happier there people Who change jobs regularly chasing you Know some unattainable fantasy of a of a Perfect career well exes can be just Like that too they can suffer from from Grasses greener tendencies in Relationships that means you know They’ll usually quickly get tired of Their romantic relationships because They always think that there’s someone Out there who’s better often this is a Phase or something that people do grow Out of eventually but some people Genuinely just spend years going from One relationship to another always Dreaming and expecting that that next One will fulfill those fantasy dreams And finally satisfy them the way that They’re hoping so it is possible that Your ex is just chasing after a shiny New object or person thinking it’ll Finally make them happy and they’ve Given you an excuse to avoid looking Flaky or hurting your feelings And reason number five they’re telling The truth okay obviously this this isn’t Exactly a reason why your ex would lie About the reasons for your breakup and Like i said the vast majority of exes Will only share part of the truth but Once in a while and especially with Older and more mature people with more Life experience your ex could actually

Be telling the truth they may not be Making excuses to be honest for 90 or Even more of you watching this probably Isn’t the case your ex probably is Making excuses and hiding at least part Of the truth but there is always a slim Chance that they might be telling the Full truth to help you figure out if Your ex is telling the truth and see if There’s still a chance that you can get Them back go to quiz Right now and take my free quiz if you Haven’t already taken it i promise you It’s worth the five minutes of your time Just go to Quiz answer a few questions and you’ll Get a full detailed report and Personalized suggestions All right guys let’s finish by talking About what all of this means for you if You’re hoping for another chance with Your ex you know that they’re probably Not being fully honest or at least Hiding part of the real reason for the Breakup or you know even at the very Least they don’t actually know the real Reason themselves so they’ve come up With excuses to satisfy your need for an Explanation so what should you do about This How does knowingness affect your Strategy to get them back quite honestly It actually doesn’t other than the fact That you now know you shouldn’t be

Overly focused on whatever excuses they Gave you for the breakup so don’t spend All your time worrying about changing Your work and school schedule just to Accommodate your ex because he or she Told you they were too busy for the Relationship to work truth is not only Will doing so make you look you know Clingy and pathetic by rearranging your Entire daily schedule just to try and Convince your ex to take you back it Also doesn’t fix any other real issues That your ex hasn’t told you about Making more time to see your ex you know In this example likely wouldn’t be Enough on its own to make them take you Back and it certainly won’t address you Know their underlying lack of attraction The loss of of the spark in your Relationship and so on so i think Basically the moral here is that you Shouldn’t be overly fixated on the Excuses that your ex gave you for the Breakup because most of the time they’re Just that excuses they usually have an Element of truth to them but rarely can You actually address and fix that Problem and expect it to change your Ex’s mind and make them decide to take You back so instead you should focus on The real strategies that are proven to Make your ex want you back applying a Period of no contact rebuilding real Organic attraction romantic and sexual

Chemistry using mystery and intrigue and Maybe even a bit of jealousy to get them To start chasing you and basically just Making your ex change their subconscious Perception of you to the point where They no longer need to make excuses and They start regretting the breakup Actually to the point where they break Down and ask you to take them back now Knowing all this please consider Grabbing a copy of my best-selling ex Factor program at my website Buy the x factor is a comprehensive Training guide that will teach you my Entire 3r system including all of the Psychological tricks and techniques that Make your ex change their mind and take You back you can access the entire Program risk-free for 60 days with a my Money-back guarantee so there’s Absolutely no risk in signing up and Trying it out especially since you could Get started in the next five minutes Again just go to Buy to learn more and sign up now Thanks for watching to the end guys uh Please if you take one thing from this Video let it be this your ex isn’t Telling you the full truth they’re Probably making excuses at least to some Extent but all that means for you is That you need to remember not to focus Too much on those excuses or

Justifications and instead stick to the Proven strategies that will overcome Those excuses and force your ex to take You back in the long run please leave All your questions in the comments below I will try to read and reply to them all And i will see you guys again in my next Video bye for now You